Call of Duty: Modern Warfare vanta un robusto comparto multiplayer, ma sembra che le mappe incluse nel gioco non abbiano entusiasmato molti utenti, che se ne stanno lamentando sui social.
A leggere i post su Twitter, sembra che il problema principale degli scenari di Call of Duty: Modern Warfare risieda nel fatto che risultano distanti dallo spirito della serie e sono difficili da memorizzare.
Si parla inoltre del fenomeno del camperaggio, a quanto pare consentito in particolare da alcune location, e da un approccio che sembra più vicino alla filosofia di Battlefield che non a quella di Call of Duty.
Una questione che le testate internazionali non sembrano aver ritenuto problematica, a giudicare dagli ottimi voti che Call of Duty: Modern Warfare ha ricevuto.
Modern Warfare... man. These maps... these might be the worst maps on CoD so far. I don't know if it's because I'm unfamiliar and lack map awareness but I don't think that would even improve it.
It's not even a bad game but for each thing I like, I find something I dislike..
— Plathanos 🐝🇩🇴 #HIVESZN (@SavinTheBees) October 25, 2019
the WORST thing about #ModernWarfare are the maps. too big feels like battlefield and i don't wanna play battlefield. i wanna play COD dammit.
— RokeRodriguez (@Roke_Rodriguez) October 25, 2019
Piccadilly is one of the worst maps in Call of Duty history holy fuck. Hate this map with a passion already.
— Ultra Instinct Optimus ⛩ (@SubToOptimus) October 25, 2019
Dude... the map designs and the camping WILL kill this game in 3 months time. I hate to say it but my god a run n gun style is just not possible this year
— Yowie Wowie👁 (@JSlackyy) October 25, 2019
The beta maps felt a lot like COD, but the new maps that I tried today feels like battlefield? SUPER open area, forces you to camp/play slow & a billion angles, I had to sit in corners/behind cover and just soak up kills, didnt feel like a call of duty to me.
— G2 Pengu (@G2Pengu) October 25, 2019
2019-10-26 11:06:21Z
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